Localized | Remote Work Overwhelming You? Discover the Best Tools and Strategies for Virtual Success!

by Student Career Development

Professional Development

Wed, Oct 30, 2024

6 PM – 7 PM (GMT+3)

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4700, Thuwal, Jeddah 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia

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Struggling to thrive in a remote setting? Our workshop offers essential tools and strategies to help you excel and balance work and life in a virtual workspace. - Effective Communication: Master remote work essentials for clear, productive interactions. - Tech Mastery: Navigate top remote work tools with ease. - Balance Strategies: Implement tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance." See more: https://localized.world/events/1189/remote-work-overwhelming-you-discover-the-best-tools-and-strategies-for-virtual-success Hosted by Localized



4700, Thuwal, Jeddah 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia

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