Date: February 5, 2021
Subject: S Square | February Insider!

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is a success."

Good morning dear S Square Family! 

I sincerely hope that you are coping well with the recent regulations in the kingdom to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Always remember to sustain yourself by living gratefully mindful of all the gifts you have. One of the priceless gifts we enjoy is having each other and striving together! 

Now, let's look at the diverse opportunities to drive sustainability forward. 

1. Your Voice matters: Together Toward a Climate-Friendly Diner

The more voices we have, the more positive actions we can implement in the diner.  A team of S Square is taking part in the Global University Climate Forum in partnership with Community Life, Tamimi, and Averda. Help the team apply more efficient measures to promote healthier food and minimize food waste by filling this survey if you have not done already. The survey closes on Sunday, February 7th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.  

2. Last Chance to Complete the Sustainability Treasure Hunt!

Why not re-exploring our beautiful campus? This sustainability treasure hunt will help be look with a fresh eye and is open to the entire KAUST community. Tasks 3 and 4 have been eliminated. (Edamah Solutions and the KAUST Smart home are waived  because they are still under construction) Please see the updated details here. The submission closes February 10th, 2021 at 5:00 pm. 

3. The Sustainability Seminar Series is back!
Sustainability Seminar Series has gained huge momentum in 2020, and we are ready to kick 2021 with more diverse and demanding issues of global sustainability.  I am happy to announce that a confirmed list of speakers includes Prof.Brinda Sarathy, President Tony Chan, and the KAUST distinguished Prof. Bill McDonough, and many more on the way. Join 1st webinar of the 2021 series on February 16th, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. titled Laid to Waste: Invisible Flows and the Making of Place in the Inland Empire by Prof. Brinda Sarathy. Register here!  

4. S Square General Body Meeting | Align Efforts on Plastic Campain 
Please join our next general body meeting on February 21st, 2021 at 5:00 pm to discuss and align efforts. Dr. Ana margarita, the head of sustainability at KAUST will present a brief on the KAUST roadmap towards plastic elimination and how we together can take joint initiatives. 

5. Cause for Color | Under the Red Sea 

Have you heard of the amazing color book developed by our KAUST fellows? Justine ( and her team use educational coloring books to engage the general public, educate the population and raise awareness about the Red Sea ecosystems and why one should protect them. Learn more by clicking here. Get positive vibes by following them on Instagram

6. The World Solar Challenge 2023 

What if I offer you to have one of the most innovative challenges in the world? Please, join me to build the first-ever KAUST team (and second Saudi team after KFUPM) for the World Solar Challenge 2023. Yes, you are right – it will require two years of building a complimentary team, innovating, prototyping, and financial securing. By the way, according to Arab News: “Google co-founder Larry Page and Tesla co-founder J B Straubel are past competitors who credit the event in influencing their careers.” Currently, we are looking for students and researchers who would like to join us. As soon as the team will reach a minimal efficient size, we will appeal on an official level to KAUST for providing support. To find more information and inspiration please check the WSC official website and six-episode movie “Light Speed”. Please send your CV to


If circular economy and youth empowerment make sense to you, then send your application, including your names, university, brief of your project, by email to before 28 February 2021. The selected projects will gain international exposure at Expo 2020 Dubai during the Circular Economy Month of the Swiss Pavilion in October 2021. More details can be accessed here

8. Online workshop | Education for Sustainable Development and the Climate Emergency: bending the curve for climate change

Education has been recognized as a crucial element to counter climate change and is one of the priority areas of Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE). Education contributes to raising awareness on the physical mechanisms and the emergency of climate change and its impacts. More specifically, Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to take action by promoting values, problem solving and critical thinking skills needed for sustainable development. But, concretely, how can and does this happen in different settings? How can Education for Sustainable Development contribute to urgent action for green and sustainable societies in light of the climate emergency? What can we learn from the Covid-19 pandemic on how to educate and act in times of crisis? 

UNESCO organizes a series of workshops on this viral topic. Register here to attend the next workshop on February 10, 2021, at 12:00 pm. 


Last but not least, please enjoy some photos of our recent activities including the {Tent} workshop, collecting data on food waste in the diner, tour to the water treatment plants and, filming a short documentary of the greenhouse. 




Keep in touch!

Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Whatsapp, write us an email, watch talks&events!

Yours sincerely, 
Eman M. Alhajji